基本的には病院に泊まって、何かあるとPager (ポケベル) が鳴ります。
次の朝、ORのResident/Fellow Assignment Sheetを確認すると、Masaの名前がありません、、、。
そうなんです!Post-Call (当直の次の日) はお休みなのです!!
ということで、日頃忙しくて見られない、Dr. Coselliの大血管手術や、面白そうな手術症例をのんびり見学。
夕方は、Running & Gym Workout。
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まったく、よく鳴るPagerだ! |
This week, I was an "on-call" for the first time in the US. During the night, I was woken many times by my pager , and a third of these messages I had to personally attend to at ICU and other wards because of my lack of clinical experiences, knowledges and English communication skills. As for clinical English conversation, it is still tough for me. But I was
able to complete my " first on-call assignment" without any problems. Whew,,,.
Next morning, I could not find my name on residents/fellows assignment sheet. Yes! I'm a day off as "post-call"! So I enjoyed watching interesting operations as observer. I also enjoyed shopping at Korean market and gym workout!
Mmmm, it's going to be awesome!